Apr 24Liked by Soul Boom

In the months after my dad died six years ago, I of course, felt the inevitable grief that comes with losing someone you love so much. But I also grieved for the life he would never get to live. He was only 49 when he died. It really changed my perspective on living and how I show up in the world. Now, I find myself less concerned with material success, but rather fill my soul with adventure, music, nature, and connection. I feel truly grateful every single day for being alive, which is not something I could have said before losing my dad. Sometimes, death can be a sobering lesson of the beauty of life.

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ive found so much grace in everyday life by making these phrases mantras, not just for the end (as there is no end, death to me is meeting a friend ive always known would visit and sometiems before even wished would come soon.)

when we act from grace, empathy, compassion, we see how we share the same fears, the same grief, the same joys…. our connections are roots, we’re all in this together- yet so often we only meet grace at our death beds.

much agapē

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Apr 24Liked by Soul Boom

That is a really beautiful mantra. Thank you for sharing!

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